<!-- source: socat-exec.html -->
<!-- Copyright Gerhard Rieger 2009 -->
<title>Socat address chains</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="dest-unreach.css">


<h1>Socat address chains</h1>

<a name="introduction"/>
<p>Socat version 2 can concatenate multiple modules and transfer data between
  them bidirectionally.

<a name="example1"/>
<h2>Example 1: OpenSSL via HTTP proxy</h2>

<span class="frame"><span class="shell">
socat - "OPENSSL,verify=0 | PROXY:secure.domain.com:443 | TCP:proxy.domain.com:8080"

<p>This command does the following: socat connects to proxy.domain.com on port
  8080 and sends a proxy CONNECT request for secure.domain.com port 443; this is
  similar to the proxy address available in version 1. Once the proxy server
  acknowledges successful 
  connection to the target (SSL) server, socat starts SSL negotiation and then
  transfers data between its stdio and the SSL server.

<a name="basics"/>
<h2>Address chain basics</h2>

<p>socat version 1 was able to open two addresses and transfer data between 
  them. "Addresses" could be just sockets or other file descriptors, or could
  be a little more complex like proxy client or OpenSSL server and client. It
  was, though desirable, practically not possible to combine complex address
  types, or to use other socket types than the predefined ones (usually TCP)
  with complex addresses.
<p>socat version 2 has been designed to overcome these limitations. First, the 
  complex address types are now separated from the underlying file descriptor
  types. Second, complex addresses that are now called <em>inter addresses</em>
  can be concatenated to an <em>address chain</em>; however, an <em>endpoint
  address</em> that just provides file descriptors must be the last component
  of an address chain.
<p>The socat invocation takes two address chains, opens them, and transfers
  data between them.
<p>An address chain consists of zero or more inter addresses and one endpoint
  address, all separated by the pipe character '|'. When starting socat from
  the command line these characters and the optional spaces must be protected
  from the shell; it is recommended to put each address chain under double
<p>The (bidirectional) inter addresses that are available with a socat
  implementation can be listed with the following command:
<span class="frame"><span class="shell">
socat -h |egrep 'b ..b groups='</span></span>
<p>A full socat 2.0.0-b3 program provides the following inter addresses:
<table border=1>
<tr><td>NOP</td><td>transfers data unmodified</td></tr>
<tr><td>OPENSSL-CLIENT</td><td>performs OpenSSL client negotiation, then
    encrypts/decrypts data</td></tr>
<tr><td>OPENSSL-SERVER</td><td>performs OpenSSL server negotiation, then
    encrypts/decrypts data </td></tr>
<tr><td>PROXY</td><td>performs proxy CONNECT client negotiation, then
    transfers data unmodified</td></tr>
<tr><td>SOCKS4</td><td>performs socks 4 client negotiation, then
    transfers data unmodified</td></tr>
<tr><td>SOCKS4A</td><td>performs socks 4a client negotiation, then
    transfers data unmodified</td></tr>
<tr><td>SOCKS5</td><td>performs socks 5 TCP client negotiation, then
    transfers data unmodified</td></tr>
<tr><td>TEST</td><td>appends &gt; to forward, and &lt; to reversely
    transferred blocks</td></tr>
<tr><td>EXEC</td><td>invokes a program
    (see <a href="socat-exec.html">socat-exec.html</a>), then transfers data unmodified</td></tr>
<tr><td>SYSTEM</td><td>invokes the shell (see <a href="socat-exec.html">socat-exec.html</a>), then transfers data unmodified</td></tr>


<a name="reverse"/>
<h2>Reverse address use</h2>

<p>Inter addresses have two interfaces. In most cases one of
  these can be seen as a <em>data</em> interface, where arbitrary data
  traffic may occur, and the other as <em>protocol</em> interface where the
  transferred data has to follow some rules like socks and HTTP protocol, or
  valid encryption.
<p>Bidirectional inter addresses are usually implemented such that their data
  interface is on the "left" side, and the protocol interface on the "right"
<p>It may be convenient to build an address chain where one or more inter
  addresses work in the reverse direction, so their protocol side is connected
  to left neighbor in the chain using the protocol, and the data side is
  connected to the right neighbor for raw data transfer. socat allows to use
  inter addresses in <em>reverse</em> direction by preceding their keyword with

<a name="example2"/>
<h2>Example 2:</h2>

<p>Endpoint addresses that fork should usually build the first socat address
  chain, without inter addresses. For creating an SSL to TCP gateway that
  handles multiple connections the following command line does the job:
<span class="frame"><span class="shell">
socat TCP-LISTEN:443,reuseaddr,fork "^OPENSSL-SERVER,cert=server.pem | TCP:somehost:80"

<p>Without the reverse usage of the SSL server address, socat would "speak"
  clear text with the clients that connected to its left address, and SSL to

<a name="unidirectional"/>
<h2>Unidirectional data transfer</h2>

<p>Like in socat version 1, it is possible to specify unidirectional transfers
  with version 2. Use socat options <a href="socat.html#OPTION_u">-u</a> or
  <a href="socat.html#OPTION_U">-U</a>.
<p>Unidirectional transfer must be supported by the involved inter addresses;
  e.g., SSL requires a bidirectional channel for negotiation of encryption
  parameters etc.
<p>It is possible to mix uni- and bidirectional transfers within one address
    chain: Think of a simple file transfer over SSL.
<p>The socat help function can tell us which address types support which kinds
  of transfer:</p>
<span class="frame"><span class="shell">
socat -h |egrep 'openssl-server'</span></span>
<p>gives the following output:
<p><pre>      openssl-server                      rwb   b groups=CHILD,RETRY,OPENSSL
      openssl-server:&lt;port&gt;               rwb     groups=FD,SOCKET,LISTEN,CHILD,RETRY,RANGE,IP4,IP6,TCP,OPENSSL</pre>
<p>The <tt>rwb &nbsp; b</tt> flags mean that this address type can handle readonly,
  writeonly, and bidirectional transfers on its left (data) side, but only
  bidirectional on its right (protocol) side.
<p>The second line describes the (version 1) endpoint form: no right side
  traffic kinds are specified because this address type establishes its protocol
  communication itself.

<a name="dual"/>
<h2>Dual inter addresses</h2>

<p>In socat version 1 it was already possible to combine two unidirectional
  addresses to one bidirectional address. This idea has been extended in version
  2: Two unidirectional inter addresses can be combined to one bidirectional
  transfer unit.
<p><em>Note: in version 1, the dual specification was like 
    </em><tt>righttoleft!!lefttoright</tt><em>. In version 2, it is: 
    </em><tt>lefttoright%righttoleft</tt><em>. This is the only major incompatibility
    between versions 1 and 2.</em>
<p>With the few already available inter address types, this feature has no
  practical use except with <a href="socat-exec.html">exec and system</a> type
  addresses. However, the general function shall be described using the
  hypothetical inter address types <tt>gzip</tt> and <tt>gunzip</tt>.
<p>Let us design these inter address types: <tt>gzip</tt> is a module that
  reads arbitrary data on its left ("data") side, compresses it, and writes the
  compressed data to its right (protocol side) neighbor.
  <!-- Data that arrives onits right side is uncompressed and passed to the
       left neighbor. -->
<p><tt>gunzip</tt> reads gzip compressed data on its left side and writes the
  raw uncompressed data on its right side.
<p>socat can combine these to provide a bidirectional compress/decompress
<p>Data coming from the left is passed through gzip and sent to the right;
  data coming from the right is passed through gunzip and sent to the left.
<p>When the reverse functionality is desired this arrangement does the job:<br>

<a name="fork"/>

<p>socat provides the <tt>fork</tt> address option for uses like network
  servers where multiple clients can connect and are handled in parallel in
  different socat sub processes.
<p>When the sub processes should work independently (share no socat file
  descriptors) the fork option must be applied to the last component of the
  first address chain. For better readability it is advisable to have only the
  "left" endpoint address in the left chain and put all intermediate addresses
  into the right chain.

<a name="understanding"/>
<h2>Understanding chain implementation</h2>

<p>The idea of concatenated modules in socat is not new. But a few attempts to
  completely rewrite and enhance the socat transfer engine 
  were never completed. At last, it was decided to choose an approach that
  requires only moderate changes to socats transfer engine and the existing
  address types.
<p>Think of several socat1 like processes somehow combined - with an abstract
  operator || :
<span class="frame"><span class="shell">
  socat - openssl || socat - proxy:secure.domain.com || socat - tcp:proxy.domain.com:8080
<p>The solution was to put all these into one process but have each socat engine
  run in its own thread. The transfer between the engines goes over socket
  pairs, so the engines see file descriptors as usual. The main work then was
  to implement the functionality for opening address chains which includes
  parsing, creating socket pairs and threads, combining the addresses, taking
  care of unidirectional, dual, and reverse addresses etc.
<p>Here is the socat version 2 command line of example 1:<br>
<tt>socat - "OPENSSL,verify=0 | PROXY:secure.domain.com:443 | TCP:proxy.domain.com:8080"</tt>
<p>A schematic representation of how this is realized in socat:<br>
<tt>STDIO - engine[thread 0] - OPENSSL - socket pair - (FD) - engine[thread 1]
- PROXY - socket pair - (FD) - engine[thread 2] - TCP</tt>
<p>where FD means a trivial address similar to the FD (file descriptor) address
<p>For debugging address chains it proved useful to write down two lines and to note the actual file descriptor numbers:</p>
<pre> STDIO ^ OPENSSL |    ^ PROXY |    ^ TCP
 0,1   ^       6 | 7  ^     4 | 5  ^   3</pre>
<p>The symbol <b>&circ;</b> means a socat transfer engine.

<p>Now the implementation of the reverse address feature should be easier to
  understand. While a forward address is put to the right side of its
  engine, a reverse address is just put to the left side. Example 2 can be
  explained so:
<p>Example 2 command line:<br>
<tt>socat TCP-LISTEN:443,reuseaddr,fork "^OPENSSL-SERVER,cert=server.pem |
<p>Schematic representation:<br>
<tt>TCP-LISTEN - engine[thread 0] - (FD) - socket pair - OPENSSL-SERVER -
  engine[thread 1] - TCP</tt>
<p>Debug schema:<br>
 TCP-L ^    | SSL-SERV ^ TCP
 3     ^  5 | 6        ^   4</pre>

<a name="commtypes"/>
<h2>Communication types</h2>

<p>For communication between the address modules of consecutive transfer
  engines socat provides pairs (or quadruples) of file descriptors. You may
  think about these as two normal UNIX pipes (fifos), one for left-to-right and
  the other for right-to-left data transfer.
<p>There are a few requirements that these file descriptors should fulfill,
  however they are different depending on the libraries used by the inter
  address modules (e.g. libopenssl) or by external programs that are involved
  (see <a href="socat-exec.html">socat-exec.html</a>).
<p>The factors to consider for these file dscriptors are:
  <li>Half close: when a module terminates communication on its write channel,
    its read channel should still stay open.</li>
  <li>Half close method: A module might half close a connection
    using <tt>close()</tt> or <tt>shutdown()</tt> methods.</li>
  <li>Buffering: The output buffering behaviour of some modules can be
    influenced by the type of file descriptor</li>
  <li>INET: Some external programs require a TCP/IPv4 file descriptor</li>
<p>This table lists the available communication types and their
<table border=1>
  <tr><th>comm.type</th><th>half close with close()</th><th>allows shutdown</th><th>avoids buffering</th><th>TCP/IPv4</th></tr>

<p>The default is socketpairs.
<p>The overall communication type can be chosen using the <a href="socat.html#option_c"><tt>-c</tt></a> socat
  option. With socat 2.0.0-b3 it is not possible to use different communication
  types in one process (exception: right side of exec/system modules)

<small>Copyright: Gerhard Rieger 2009</small><br>
<small>License: <a href="http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/fdl.html">GNU Free Documentation License (FDL)</a></small>
