/* source: procan_main.c */ /* Copyright Gerhard Rieger */ /* Published under the GNU General Public License V.2, see file COPYING */ const char copyright[] = "procan by Gerhard Rieger - send bug reports to socat@dest-unreach.org"; #include <signal.h> /* sig_atomic_t for error.h */ #include <time.h> /* struct timespec for error.h */ #include <stdlib.h> /* strtoul() */ #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "config.h" #if HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H #include <sys/select.h> /* select(), fdset on FreeBSD */ #endif #include "mytypes.h" #include "error.h" #include "procan.h" #include "hostan.h" #define WITH_HELP 1 static void procan_usage(FILE *fd); int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { const char **arg1; #if 0 unsigned int n = 1024; /* this is default on my Linux */ #endif diag_set('p', strchr(argv[0], '/') ? strrchr(argv[0], '/')+1 : argv[0]); arg1 = argv+1; --argc; while (arg1[0] && (arg1[0][0] == '-')) { switch (arg1[0][1]) { #if WITH_HELP case '?': case 'h': procan_usage(stdout); exit(0); #endif /* WITH_HELP */ case 'c': procan_cdefs(stdout); exit(0); #if LATER case 'V': procan_version(stdout); exit(0); case 'l': diag_set(arg1[0][2], &arg1[0][3]); break; case 'd': diag_set('d', NULL); break; #endif #if 0 case 'n': n = strtoul(&arg1[0][2], NULL, 0); break; #endif case '\0': break; default: diag_set_int('e', E_FATAL); Error1("unknown option \"%s\"", arg1[0]); #if WITH_HELP procan_usage(stderr); #endif exit(1); } if (arg1[0][1] == '\0') break; ++arg1; --argc; } if (argc != 0) { Error1("%d superfluous arguments", argc); #if WITH_HELP procan_usage(stderr); #endif exit(1); } procan(stdout); hostan(stdout); return 0; } #if WITH_HELP static void procan_usage(FILE *fd) { fputs(copyright, fd); fputc('\n', fd); fputs("Analyze system parameters of process\n", fd); fputs("Usage:\n", fd); fputs("procan [options]\n", fd); fputs(" options:\n", fd); #if LATER fputs(" -V print version information to stdout, and exit\n", fd); #endif #if WITH_HELP fputs(" -?|-h print a help text describing command line options\n", fd); #endif fputs(" -c print values of compile time C defines\n", fd); #if LATER fputs(" -d increase verbosity (use up to 4 times; 2 are recommended)\n", fd); #endif #if 0 fputs(" -ly[facility] log to syslog, using facility (default is daemon)\n", fd); fputs(" -lf<logfile> log to file\n", fd); fputs(" -ls log to stderr (default if no other log)\n", fd); #endif #if 0 fputs(" -n<fdnum> first file descriptor number not analyzed\n", fd); #endif } #endif /* WITH_HELP */