/* source: sysutils.h */
/* Copyright Gerhard Rieger 2001-2007 */
/* Published under the GNU General Public License V.2, see file COPYING */

#ifndef __sysutils_h_included
#define __sysutils_h_included 1

#if WITH_IP6
/* not all OSes provide in6_addr that allows splitting to 16 or 32 bit junks of
   the host address part of sockaddr_in6; here we help ourselves */
union xioin6_u {
   uint8_t  u6_addr8[16];
   uint16_t u6_addr16[8];
   uint32_t u6_addr32[4];
} ;
#endif /* WITH_IP6 */

union sockaddr_union {
   struct sockaddr soa;
   struct sockaddr_un un;
#endif /* _WITH_UNIX */
#if _WITH_IP4
   struct sockaddr_in ip4;
#endif /* _WITH_IP4 */
#if _WITH_IP6
   struct sockaddr_in6 ip6;
#endif /* _WITH_IP6 */
} ;

#if _WITH_IP4
struct xiorange_ip4 {
   struct in_addr netaddr;	/* network byte order */
   struct in_addr netmask;	/* network byte order */
} ;
#endif /* _WITH_IP4 */

#if _WITH_IP6
struct xiorange_ip6 {
   struct in6_addr addr;
   struct in6_addr mask;
} ;
#endif /* _WITH_IP4 */

union xiorange_union {
#if _WITH_IP4
   struct xiorange_ip4 ip4;
#endif /* _WITH_IP4 */
#if _WITH_IP6
   struct xiorange_ip6 ip6;
#endif /* _WITH_IP6 */
} ;
#endif /* _WITH_SOCKET */

extern socklen_t socket_init(int af, union sockaddr_union *sa);
extern void socket_un_init(struct sockaddr_un *sa);
#endif /* WITH_UNIX */
#if _WITH_IP4
extern void socket_in_init(struct sockaddr_in *sa);
#endif /* _WITH_IP4 */
#if _WITH_IP6
extern void socket_in6_init(struct sockaddr_in6 *sa);
#endif /* _WITH_IP4 */

extern char *sockaddr_info(const struct sockaddr *sa, socklen_t salen, char *buff, size_t blen);
extern char *sockaddr_unix_info(const struct sockaddr_un *sa, socklen_t salen, char *buff, size_t blen);
#endif /* WITH_UNIX */
#if WITH_IP4
extern char *inet4addr_info(uint32_t addr, char *buff, size_t blen);
extern char *sockaddr_inet4_info(const struct sockaddr_in *sa, char *buff, size_t blen);
#endif /* WITH_IP4 */
#if WITH_IP6
extern char *sockaddr_inet6_info(const struct sockaddr_in6 *sa, char *buff, size_t blen);
#endif /* WITH_IP6 */
extern const char *inet_ntop(int pf, const void *binaddr,
			     char *addrtext, socklen_t textlen);

extern int getusergroups(const char *user, gid_t *list, size_t *ngroups);

extern const char *hstrerror(int err);

extern int parseport(const char *portname, int proto);

extern int ifindexbyname(const char *ifname);
extern int ifindex(const char *ifname, unsigned int *ifindex);

#endif /* !defined(__sysutils_h_included) */