/* source: xio-socks5.c */ /* Copyright Gerhard Rieger */ /* Published under the GNU General Public License V.2, see file COPYING */ /* this file contains the source for opening addresses of socks5 type */ #include "xiosysincludes.h" #include "xioopen.h" #include "xio-socket.h" #include "xio-ipapp.h" #include "xio-socks5.h" #if WITH_SOCKS5 #define SOCKSPORT "1080" #define SOCKS5_MAXLEN 512 static int xioopen_socks5_client(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xfd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int dummy2, int dummy3); const struct optdesc opt_socks5_username = { "socks5-username", "socks5user", OPT_SOCKS5_USERNAME, GROUP_SOCKS5, PH_LATE, TYPE_STRING, OFUNC_SPEC }; const struct optdesc opt_socks5_password = { "socks5-password", "socks5pass", OPT_SOCKS5_PASSWORD, GROUP_SOCKS5, PH_LATE, TYPE_STRING, OFUNC_SPEC }; static const struct xioaddr_inter_desc xiointer_socks5_client = { XIOADDR_PROT, "socks5", 2, XIOBIT_ALL, GROUP_SOCKS5, XIOSHUT_DOWN, XIOCLOSE_CLOSE, xioopen_socks5_client, 0, 0, 0, XIOBIT_RDWR HELP(":<host>:<port>") }; const union xioaddr_desc *xioaddrs_socks5_client[] = { (union xioaddr_desc *)&xiointer_socks5_client, NULL }; /* read until buflen bytes received or EOF */ /* returns STAT_OK, STAT_RETRYLATER, or STAT_NOTRETRY */ static int xiosocks5_recvbytes(struct single *xfd, uint8_t *buff, size_t buflen, int level) { size_t bytes; ssize_t result; bytes = 0; while (bytes >= 0) { /* loop over answer chunks until complete or error */ /* receive socks answer */ Debug("waiting for data from peer"); do { result = Read(xfd->rfd, buff+bytes, buflen-bytes); } while (result < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (result < 0) { Msg4(level, "read(%d, %p, "F_Zu"): %s", xfd->rfd, buff+bytes, buflen-bytes, strerror(errno)); if (Close(xfd->rfd) < 0) { Warn2("close(%d): %s", xfd->rfd, strerror(errno)); } if (Close(xfd->wfd) < 0) { Warn2("close(%d): %s", xfd->wfd, strerror(errno)); } return STAT_RETRYLATER; } if (result == 0) { Msg(level, "read(): EOF during read of socks reply"); if (Close(xfd->rfd) < 0) { Warn2("close(%d): %s", xfd->rfd, strerror(errno)); } if (Close(xfd->wfd) < 0) { Warn2("close(%d): %s", xfd->wfd, strerror(errno)); } return STAT_RETRYLATER; } bytes += result; if (bytes == buflen) { Debug1("received all "F_Zd" bytes", bytes); break; } Debug2("received "F_Zd" bytes, waiting for "F_Zu" more bytes", result, buflen-bytes); } if (result <= 0) { /* we had a problem while reading socks answer */ return STAT_RETRYLATER; /* retry complete open cycle */ } return STAT_OK; } static int xioopen_socks5_client(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xxfd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int dummy2, int dummy3) { /* we expect the form: host:port */ xiosingle_t *xfd = &xxfd->stream; const char *targetname, *targetservice; int level; int result; if (argc != 3) { Error("SOCKS5 syntax: socks5-connect:<host>:<port>"); /*! UDP? */ return STAT_NORETRY; } targetname = argv[1]; targetservice = argv[2]; applyopts(-1, opts, PH_INIT); applyopts_single(xfd, opts, PH_INIT); #if 0 result = _xioopen_socks5_prepare(a3, opts, &socksport, sockhead, &buflen); if (result != STAT_OK) return result; #endif if (xfd->rfd < 0) { Error("socks5 must be used as embedded address"); return -1; } Notice2("opening connection to %s:%s using socks5", targetname, targetservice); do { /* loop over failed connect and socks-request attempts */ #if WITH_RETRY if (xfd->forever || xfd->retry) { level = E_INFO; } else #endif /* WITH_RETRY */ level = E_ERROR; #if 0 /* we try to resolve the target address _before_ connecting to the socks server: this avoids unnecessary socks connects and timeouts */ result = _xioopen_socks5_connect0(xfd, targetname, sockhead, opts, (ssize_t *)&buflen, level); switch (result) { case STAT_OK: break; #if WITH_RETRY case STAT_RETRYLATER: case STAT_RETRYNOW: if (xfd->forever || xfd->retry--) { if (result == STAT_RETRYLATER) Nanosleep(&xfd->intervall, NULL); continue; } #endif /* WITH_RETRY */ default: return result; } #endif #if 0 if (xfd->rfd < 0) { /* this cannot fork because we retrieved fork option above */ result = _xioopen_connect (xfd, needbind?(struct sockaddr *)us:NULL, sizeof(*us), (struct sockaddr *)them, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in), opts, PF_INET, socktype, IPPROTO_TCP, lowport, level); switch (result) { case STAT_OK: break; #if WITH_RETRY case STAT_RETRYLATER: case STAT_RETRYNOW: if (xfd->forever || xfd->retry--) { if (result == STAT_RETRYLATER) Nanosleep(&xfd->intervall, NULL); continue; } #endif /* WITH_RETRY */ default: return result; } xfd->rfd = xfd->wfd = xfd->fd; } else #endif xfd->dtype = XIODATA_STREAM; result = _xioopen_socks5_connect(xfd, targetname, targetservice, opts, level); switch (result) { case STAT_OK: break; #if WITH_RETRY case STAT_RETRYLATER: case STAT_RETRYNOW: if (xfd->forever || xfd->retry--) { if (result == STAT_RETRYLATER) Nanosleep(&xfd->intervall, NULL); continue; } #endif /* WITH_RETRY */ default: return result; } /*!*/ applyopts(xfd->rfd, opts, PH_ALL); if ((result = _xio_openlate(xfd, opts)) < 0) return result; { break; } } while (true); /* end of complete open loop - drop out on success */ return 0; } /* perform socks5 client dialog on existing FD. Called within fork/retry loop, after connect() */ int _xioopen_socks5_connect(struct single *xfd, const char *targetname, const char *targetservice, struct opt *opts, int level) { uint16_t targetport; unsigned char sendbuff[SOCKS5_MAXLEN]; size_t sendlen; unsigned char recvbuff[SOCKS5_MAXLEN]; struct socks5_method *sendmethod; struct socks5_select *recvselect; struct socks5_request *sendrequest; struct socks5_reply *recvreply; size_t namelen; size_t addrlen; size_t readpos; char *emsg; int result; /* prepare */ targetport = parseport(targetservice, IPPROTO_TCP/*!*/); /* just the simplest authentications */ sendmethod = (struct socks5_method *)sendbuff; sendmethod->version = 5; /* protocol version */ sendmethod->nmethods = 2; /* number of proposed authentication types */ sendmethod->methods[0] = SOCKS5_METHOD_NOAUTH; /* no auth at all */ sendmethod->methods[1] = SOCKS5_METHOD_USERPASS; /* username/password */ /*sendmethod->methods[2] = SOCKS5_METHOD_AVENTAIL;*/ /* Aventail Connect */ sendlen = 2+sendmethod->nmethods; /* send socks header (target addr+port, +auth) */ Info("sending socks5 identifier/method selection message"); do { result = Write(xfd->wfd, sendmethod, sendlen); } while (result < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (result < 0) { Msg4(level, "write(%d, %p, "F_Zu"): %s", xfd->wfd, sendmethod, sendlen, strerror(errno)); if (Close(xfd->wfd) < 0) { Warn2("close(%d): %s", xfd->wfd, strerror(errno)); } if (Close(xfd->rfd) < 0) { Warn2("close(%d): %s", xfd->rfd, strerror(errno)); } return STAT_RETRYLATER; /* retry complete open cycle */ } Info1("waiting for socks5 select reply ("F_Zu" bytes)", SOCKS5_SELECT_LENGTH); if ((result = xiosocks5_recvbytes(xfd, recvbuff, SOCKS5_SELECT_LENGTH, level)) != STAT_OK) { /* we had a problem while reading socks answer */ /*! Close(); */ return result; /* ev. retry complete open cycle */ } recvselect = (struct socks5_select *)recvbuff; Info2("socks5 select: {%u, %u}", recvselect->version, recvselect->method); if (recvselect->version != 5) { Error1("socks5: server protocol version is %u", recvbuff[0]); } if (recvselect->method == SOCKS5_METHOD_NONE) { Error("socks5: server did not accept our authentication methods"); } /*! check if selected methods is one of our proposals */ switch (recvselect->method) { case SOCKS5_METHOD_NOAUTH: break; case SOCKS5_METHOD_USERPASS: if (xio_socks5_username_password(level, opts, xfd) < 0) { Error("username/password not accepted"); } break; default: Error("socks5 select: unimplemented authentication method selected"); break; } sendrequest = (struct socks5_request *)sendbuff; sendrequest->version = SOCKS5_VERSION; sendrequest->command = SOCKS5_COMMAND_CONNECT; sendrequest->reserved = 0; sendrequest->addrtype = SOCKS5_ADDRTYPE_NAME; switch (sendrequest->addrtype) { case SOCKS5_ADDRTYPE_IPV4: break; case SOCKS5_ADDRTYPE_NAME: if ((namelen = strlen(targetname)) > 255) { Error1("socks5: target name is longer than 255 bytes: \"%s\"", targetname); } sendrequest->destaddr[0] = strlen(targetname); *(sendrequest->destaddr+1) = '\0'; strncat(sendrequest->destaddr+1, targetname, sizeof(sendbuff)-5); break; case SOCKS5_ADDRTYPE_IPV6: break; default: Fatal("socks5: undefined address type in socks request"); } *((uint16_t *)&sendrequest->destaddr[strlen(targetname)+1]) = targetport; sendlen = sizeof(struct socks5_request) + namelen + 2; /* send socks request (target addr+port, +auth) */ Info("sending socks5 request selection"); do { result = Write(xfd->wfd, sendrequest, sendlen); } while (result < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (result < 0) { Msg4(level, "write(%d, %p, "F_Zu"): %s", xfd->wfd, sendmethod, sendlen, strerror(errno)); if (Close(xfd->wfd) < 0) { Warn2("close(%d): %s", xfd->wfd, strerror(errno)); } if (Close(xfd->rfd) < 0) { Warn2("close(%d): %s", xfd->rfd, strerror(errno)); } return STAT_RETRYLATER; /* retry complete open cycle */ } Info("waiting for socks5 reply"); recvreply = (struct socks5_reply *)recvbuff; if ((result = xiosocks5_recvbytes(xfd, recvbuff, SOCKS5_REPLY_LENGTH1, level)) != STAT_OK) { /*! close... */ return result; } if (recvreply->version != SOCKS5_VERSION) { Error1("socks5: version of reply is %d", recvreply->version); } switch (recvreply->reply) { case SOCKS5_REPLY_SUCCESS: emsg = NULL; break; case SOCKS5_REPLY_FAILURE: emsg = "general socks server failure"; break; case SOCKS5_REPLY_DENIED: emsg = "connection not allowed by ruleset"; break; case SOCKS5_REPLY_NETUNREACH: emsg = "network unreachable"; break; case SOCKS5_REPLY_HOSTUNREACH: emsg = "host unreachable"; break; case SOCKS5_REPLY_REFUSED: emsg = "connection refused"; break; case SOCKS5_REPLY_TTLEXPIRED: emsg = "TTL expired"; break; case SOCKS5_REPLY_CMDUNSUPP: emsg = "command not supported"; break; case SOCKS5_REPLY_ADDRUNSUPP: emsg = "address type not supported"; break; default: emsg = "undefined error code"; break; } if (recvreply->reply != SOCKS5_REPLY_SUCCESS) { Error1("socks5 reply: %s", emsg); } switch (recvreply->addrtype) { case SOCKS5_ADDRTYPE_IPV4: addrlen = 4; /*!*/ if ((result = xiosocks5_recvbytes(xfd, recvbuff+SOCKS5_REPLY_LENGTH1, addrlen, level)) != STAT_OK) { /*! close... */ return result; } readpos = sizeof(recvreply)-1+4; break; case SOCKS5_ADDRTYPE_NAME: /* read 1 byte containing domain name length */ if ((result = xiosocks5_recvbytes(xfd, recvbuff+SOCKS5_REPLY_LENGTH1, 1, level)) != STAT_OK) { /*! close... */ return result; } /* read domain name */ if ((result = xiosocks5_recvbytes(xfd, recvbuff+SOCKS5_REPLY_LENGTH1+1, recvreply->destaddr[0], level)) != STAT_OK) { /*! close... */ return result; } readpos = sizeof(recvreply)+recvreply->destaddr[0]; addrlen = recvreply->destaddr[0]+1; break; case SOCKS5_ADDRTYPE_IPV6: addrlen = 16; /*!*/ if ((result = xiosocks5_recvbytes(xfd, recvbuff+SOCKS5_REPLY_LENGTH1, addrlen, level)) == EOF) { /*! close... */ return result; } readpos = sizeof(recvreply)-1+4; break; default: Error("socks5: undefined address type in answer"); addrlen = 0; readpos = sizeof(recvreply)-1; } if ((result = xiosocks5_recvbytes(xfd, recvbuff+readpos, 2, level)) != STAT_OK) { /*! close... */ return result; } /*! Infos(...); */ return STAT_OK; } int xio_socks5_username_password(int level, struct opt *opts, struct single *xfd) { /*!!! */ unsigned char sendbuff[513]; unsigned char *pos; char *username = NULL; char *password = NULL; unsigned char recvbuff[2]; struct socks5_userpass_reply *reply; int result; retropt_string(opts, OPT_SOCKS5_USERNAME, (char **)&username); if (username == NULL) { Error("socks5: username required"); return STAT_NORETRY; } retropt_string(opts, OPT_SOCKS5_PASSWORD, (char **)&password); if (password == NULL) { Error("socks5: password required"); return STAT_NORETRY; } pos = sendbuff; *pos++ = SOCKS5_USERPASS_VERSION; *pos++ = strlen(username); *pos = '\0'; strncat(pos, username, 255); pos += strlen(username); *pos++ = strlen(password); *pos = '\0'; strncat(pos, password, 255); pos += strlen(password); result = xio_socks5_dialog(level, xfd, sendbuff, pos-sendbuff, recvbuff, 2, "username/password authentication"); if (result != STAT_OK) { Msg(level, "socks5 username/password dialog failed"); return result; } Info("socks5 username/password authentication succeeded"); reply = (struct socks5_userpass_reply *)recvbuff; if (reply->version != SOCKS5_USERPASS_VERSION) { Msg(level, "socks5 username/password authentication version mismatch"); return STAT_NORETRY; } if (reply->status != SOCKS5_REPLY_SUCCESS) { Msg(level, "socks5 username/password authentication failure"); return STAT_RETRYLATER; } return STAT_OK; } int xio_socks5_dialog(int level, struct single *xfd, unsigned char *sendbuff, size_t sendlen, unsigned char *recvbuff, size_t recvlen, const char *descr /* identifier/method selection */) { int result; /* send socks header (target addr+port, +auth) */ Info1("sending socks5 %s message", descr); do { result = Write(xfd->wfd, sendbuff, sendlen); } while (result < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (result < 0) { Msg4(level, "write(%d, %p, "F_Zu"): %s", xfd->wfd, sendbuff, sendlen, strerror(errno)); if (Close(xfd->wfd) < 0) { Warn2("close(%d): %s", xfd->wfd, strerror(errno)); } if (Close(xfd->rfd) < 0) { Warn2("close(%d): %s", xfd->rfd, strerror(errno)); } return STAT_RETRYLATER; /* retry complete open cycle */ } Info2("waiting for socks5 %s reply ("F_Zu" bytes)", descr, recvlen); if ((result = xiosocks5_recvbytes(xfd, recvbuff, recvlen, level)) == EOF) { /* we had a problem while reading socks answer */ /*! Close(); */ return result; /* retry complete open cycle */ } #if 0 replyversion = ((struct socks5_version *)recvbuff)->version; Info1("socks5 server reply version: {%u}", replyversion); if (replyversion != SOCKS5_VERSION) { Error1("socks5: server protocol version is %u", replyversion); } #endif return 0; } #endif /* WITH_SOCKS5 */