/* source: filan_main.c */
/* Copyright Gerhard Rieger and contributors (see file CHANGES) */
/* Published under the GNU General Public License V.2, see file COPYING */

const char copyright[] = "filan by Gerhard Rieger and contributors - see http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/";

#include "config.h"
#include "xioconfig.h"
#include "sysincludes.h"

#include "mytypes.h"
#include "compat.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "sycls.h"
#include "filan.h"

#define WITH_HELP 1

static void filan_usage(FILE *fd);

int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
   const char **arg1, *a;
   const char *filename = NULL, *waittimetxt;
   unsigned int m = 0;		/* first FD (default) */
   unsigned int n = FD_SETSIZE;	/* last excl. */
   unsigned int i;
   int style = 0;
   struct timespec waittime = { 0, 0 };
   FILE *fdout = stdout;
   const char *outfname = NULL;
   unsigned long fildes;

   diag_set('p', strchr(argv[0], '/') ? strrchr(argv[0], '/')+1 : argv[0]);

   arg1 = argv+1;  --argc;
   while (arg1[0] && (arg1[0][0] == '-')) {
      switch (arg1[0][1]) {
      case '?': case 'h':
	 filan_usage(stdout); exit(0);
      case 'V': filan_version(stdout); exit(0);
      case 'L': filan_followsymlinks = true; break;
      case 'd': diag_set('d', NULL); break;
      case 's': style = 1; break;
      case 'r': filan_rawoutput = true; break;
      case 'i':  if (arg1[0][2]) {
	    a = *arg1+2;
         } else {
	    ++arg1, --argc;
	    if ((a = *arg1) == NULL) {
	       Error("option -i requires an argument");
	       filan_usage(stderr); exit(1);
         m = strtoul(a, (char **)&a, 0);
	 n = m;
      case 'n': if (arg1[0][2]) {
	    a = *arg1+2;
	 } else {
	    ++arg1, --argc;
	    if ((a = *arg1) == NULL) {
	       Error("option -n requires an argument");
	       filan_usage(stderr); exit(1);
         n = strtoul(a, (char **)&a, 0);
      case 'f': if (arg1[0][2]) {
	    filename = *arg1+2;
	 } else {
	    ++arg1, --argc;
	    if ((filename = *arg1) == NULL) {
	       Error("option -f requires an argument");
	       filan_usage(stderr); exit(1);
      case 'T': if (arg1[0][2]) {
	    waittimetxt = *arg1+2;
	 } else {
	    ++arg1, --argc;
	    if ((waittimetxt = *arg1) == NULL) {
	       Error("option -T requires an argument");
	       filan_usage(stderr); exit(1);
	    double waittimedbl;
	    waittimedbl = strtod(waittimetxt, NULL);
	    waittime.tv_sec  = waittimedbl;
	    waittime.tv_nsec = (waittimedbl-waittime.tv_sec) * 1000000000;
      case 'o':  if (arg1[0][2]) {
            outfname = *arg1+2;
         } else {
            ++arg1, --argc;
            if ((outfname = *arg1) == NULL) {
               Error("option -o requires an argument");
               filan_usage(stderr); exit(1);
      case '\0': break;
	 diag_set_int('e', E_FATAL);
	 Error1("unknown option %s", arg1[0]);
#if 0
      if (arg1[0][1] == '\0')
      ++arg1; --argc;
   if (argc != 0) {
      Error1("%d superfluous arguments", argc);
   if (outfname) {
      /* special cases */
      if (!strcmp(outfname,"stdin")) { fdout=stdin; }
      else if (!strcmp(outfname,"stdout")) { fdout=stdout; }
      else if (!strcmp(outfname,"stderr")) { fdout=stderr; }
      /* file descriptor */
      else if (*outfname == '+') {
	 a = outfname+1;
	 fildes = strtoul(a, (char **)&a, 0);
	 if ((fdout = fdopen(fildes, "w")) == NULL) {
	    Error2("can't fdopen file descriptor %lu: %s\n", fildes, strerror(errno));
      } else {
	 /* file name */
	 if ((fdout = fopen(outfname, "w")) == NULL) {
	    Error2("can't fopen '%s': %s\n",
		   outfname, strerror(errno));

   Nanosleep(&waittime, NULL);

   if (style == 0) {
      /* this style gives detailled infos, but requires a file descriptor */
      if (filename) {
#if LATER /* this is just in case that S_ISSOCK does not work */
	 struct stat buf;
	 int fd;

	 if (Stat(filename, &buf) < 0) {
	    Error3("stat(\"%s\", %p): %s", filename, &buf, strerror(errno));
	 /* note: when S_ISSOCK was undefined, it always gives 0 */
	 if (S_ISSOCK(buf.st_mode)) {
	    Error("cannot analyze UNIX domain socket");
	 filan_file(filename, fdout);
      } else {
	 if (m == n) {
	 for (i = m; i < n; ++i) {
	    filan_fd(i, fdout);
   } else {
      /* this style gives only type and path / socket addresses, and works from
	 file descriptor or filename (with restrictions) */
      if (filename) {
	 /* filename: NULL means yet unknown; "" means no name at all */
	 int fd;
	 if ((fd =
	      Open(filename, O_RDONLY|O_NOCTTY|O_NONBLOCK
		   , 0700))
	     < 0) {
	    Debug2("open(\"%s\", O_RDONLY|O_NOCTTY|O_NONBLOCK|O_LARGEFILE, 0700): %s",
		   filename, strerror(errno));
	 fdname(filename, fd, fdout, NULL);
	 fdname(filename, -1, fdout, NULL);
      } else {
	 if (m == n) {
	    fdname("", m, fdout, NULL);
	 } else {
	    for (i = m; i < n; ++i) {
	       fdname("", i, fdout, "%5u ");
   if (outfname && fdout != stdout && fdout != stderr) {
   return 0;

static void filan_usage(FILE *fd) {
   fputs(copyright, fd); fputc('\n', fd);
   fputs("Analyze file descriptors of the process\n", fd);
   fputs("Usage:\n", fd);
   fputs("filan [options]\n", fd);
   fputs("   options:\n", fd);
   fputs("      -V     print version information to stdout, and exit\n", fd);
   fputs("      -?|-h          print this help text\n", fd);
   fputs("      -d             increase verbosity (use up to 4 times)\n", fd);
#if 0
   fputs("      -ly[facility]  log to syslog, using facility (default is daemon)\n", fd);
   fputs("      -lf<logfile>   log to file\n", fd);
   fputs("      -ls            log to stderr (default if no other log)\n", fd);
   fputs("      -i<fdnum>      only analyze this fd\n", fd);
   fprintf(fd, "      -n<fdnum>      analyze all fds from 0 up to fdnum-1 (default: %u)\n", FD_SETSIZE);
   fputs("      -s             simple output with just type and socket address or path\n", fd);
/*   fputs("      -c             alternate device visualization\n", fd);*/
   fputs("      -f<filename>   analyze file system entry\n", fd);
   fputs("      -T<seconds>    wait before analyzing, useful to connect with debugger\n", fd);
   fputs("      -r             raw output for time stamps and rdev\n", fd);
   fputs("      -L             follow symbolic links instead of showing their properties\n", fd);
   fputs("      -o<filename>   output goes to filename, that can be:\n", fd);
   fputs("                     a regular file name, the output goes to that\n", fd);
   fputs("                     +<filedes> , output goes to the file descriptor (which must be open writable)\n", fd);
   fputs("                     the 3 special names stdin stdout and stderr\n", fd);
#endif /* WITH_HELP */