/* source: xio-socks.c */ /* Copyright Gerhard Rieger and contributors (see file CHANGES) */ /* Published under the GNU General Public License V.2, see file COPYING */ /* this file contains the source for opening addresses of socks4 type */ #include "xiosysincludes.h" #if WITH_SOCKS4 || WITH_SOCKS4A #include "xioopen.h" #include "xio-ascii.h" #include "xio-socket.h" #include "xio-ip.h" #include "xio-ipapp.h" #include "xio-socks.h" enum { SOCKS_CD_GRANTED = 90, SOCKS_CD_FAILED, SOCKS_CD_NOIDENT, SOCKS_CD_IDENTFAILED } ; #define SOCKSPORT "1080" #define BUFF_LEN (SIZEOF_STRUCT_SOCKS4+512) static int xioopen_socks4_connect(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *fd, const struct addrdesc *addrdesc); const struct optdesc opt_socksport = { "socksport", NULL, OPT_SOCKSPORT, GROUP_IP_SOCKS4, PH_LATE, TYPE_STRING, OFUNC_SPEC }; const struct optdesc opt_socksuser = { "socksuser", NULL, OPT_SOCKSUSER, GROUP_IP_SOCKS4, PH_LATE, TYPE_NAME, OFUNC_SPEC }; const struct addrdesc xioaddr_socks4_connect = { "SOCKS4", 3, xioopen_socks4_connect, GROUP_FD|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_IP4|GROUP_SOCK_IP6|GROUP_IP_TCP|GROUP_IP_SOCKS4|GROUP_CHILD|GROUP_RETRY, 0, 0, 0 HELP(":<socks-server>:<host>:<port>") }; const struct addrdesc xioaddr_socks4a_connect = { "SOCKS4A", 3, xioopen_socks4_connect, GROUP_FD|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_IP4|GROUP_SOCK_IP6|GROUP_IP_TCP|GROUP_IP_SOCKS4|GROUP_CHILD|GROUP_RETRY, 1, 0, 0 HELP(":<socks-server>:<host>:<port>") }; static int xioopen_socks4_connect( int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xxfd, const struct addrdesc *addrdesc) { /* we expect the form: host:host:port */ struct single *sfd = &xxfd->stream; int socks4a = addrdesc->arg1; struct opt *opts0 = NULL; const char *sockdname; char *socksport; const char *targetname, *targetport; int pf = PF_UNSPEC; int ipproto = IPPROTO_TCP; bool dofork = false; union sockaddr_union us_sa, *us = &us_sa; socklen_t uslen = sizeof(us_sa); struct addrinfo *themlist, *themp; struct addrinfo **ai_sorted; int i; bool needbind = false; bool lowport = false; char infobuff[256]; unsigned char buff[BUFF_LEN]; struct socks4 *sockhead = (struct socks4 *)buff; size_t buflen = sizeof(buff); int socktype = SOCK_STREAM; int level; int result; if (argc != 4) { xio_syntax(argv[0], 3, argc-1, addrdesc->syntax); return STAT_NORETRY; } sockdname = argv[1]; targetname = argv[2]; targetport = argv[3]; sfd->howtoend = END_SHUTDOWN; if (applyopts_single(sfd, opts, PH_INIT) < 0) return -1; applyopts(sfd, 1, opts, PH_INIT); retropt_int(opts, OPT_SO_TYPE, &socktype); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_FORK, &dofork); result = _xioopen_socks4_prepare(targetport, opts, &socksport, sockhead, &buflen); if (result != STAT_OK) return result; Notice5("opening connection to %s:%u via socks4 server %s:%s as user \"%s\"", targetname, ntohs(sockhead->port), sockdname, socksport, sockhead->userid); i = 0; do { /* loop over retries (failed connect and socks-request attempts) */ level = E_INFO; result = _xioopen_ipapp_prepare(opts, &opts0, sockdname, socksport, &pf, ipproto, sfd->para.socket.ip.ai_flags, &themlist, us, &uslen, &needbind, &lowport, socktype); /* Count addrinfo entries */ themp = themlist; i = 0; while (themp != NULL) { ++i; themp = themp->ai_next; } ai_sorted = Calloc((i+1), sizeof(struct addrinfo *)); if (ai_sorted == NULL) return STAT_RETRYLATER; /* Generate a list of addresses sorted by preferred ip version */ _xio_sort_ip_addresses(themlist, ai_sorted); /* we try to resolve the target address _before_ connecting to the socks server: this avoids unnecessary socks connects and timeouts */ result = _xioopen_socks4_connect0(sfd, targetname, socks4a, sockhead, (ssize_t *)&buflen, level); switch (result) { case STAT_OK: break; #if WITH_RETRY case STAT_RETRYLATER: case STAT_RETRYNOW: if (sfd->forever || sfd->retry--) { if (result == STAT_RETRYLATER) Nanosleep(&sfd->intervall, NULL); continue; } #endif /* WITH_RETRY */ default: return result; } /* loop over themlist */ i = 0; themp = ai_sorted[i++]; while (themp != NULL) { Notice1("opening connection to %s", sockaddr_info(themp->ai_addr, themp->ai_addrlen, infobuff, sizeof(infobuff))); #if WITH_RETRY if (sfd->forever || sfd->retry || ai_sorted[i] != NULL) { level = E_INFO; } else #endif /* WITH_RETRY */ level = E_ERROR; /* this cannot fork because we retrieved fork option above */ result = _xioopen_connect(sfd, needbind?us:NULL, sizeof(*us), themp->ai_addr, themp->ai_addrlen, opts, pf?pf:themp->ai_family, socktype, IPPROTO_TCP, lowport, level); if (result == STAT_OK) break; themp = ai_sorted[i++]; if (themp == NULL) result = STAT_RETRYLATER; } switch (result) { case STAT_OK: break; #if WITH_RETRY case STAT_RETRYLATER: case STAT_RETRYNOW: if (sfd->forever || sfd->retry) { --sfd->retry; if (result == STAT_RETRYLATER) Nanosleep(&sfd->intervall, NULL); continue; } #endif /* WITH_RETRY */ default: free(ai_sorted); xiofreeaddrinfo(themlist); return result; } xiofreeaddrinfo(themlist); applyopts(sfd, -1, opts, PH_ALL); if ((result = _xio_openlate(sfd, opts)) < 0) return result; result = _xioopen_socks4_connect(sfd, sockhead, buflen, level); switch (result) { case STAT_OK: break; #if WITH_RETRY case STAT_RETRYLATER: case STAT_RETRYNOW: if (sfd->forever || sfd->retry--) { if (result == STAT_RETRYLATER) Nanosleep(&sfd->intervall, NULL); continue; } #endif /* WITH_RETRY */ default: return result; } if (dofork) { xiosetchilddied(); /* set SIGCHLD handler */ } #if WITH_RETRY if (dofork) { pid_t pid; int level = E_ERROR; if (sfd->forever || sfd->retry) { level = E_WARN; /* most users won't expect a problem here, so Notice is too weak */ } while ((pid = xio_fork(false, level, sfd->shutup)) < 0) { if (sfd->forever || --sfd->retry) { Nanosleep(&sfd->intervall, NULL); continue; } return STAT_RETRYLATER; } if (pid == 0) { /* child process */ sfd->forever = false; sfd->retry = 0; break; } /* parent process */ Close(sfd->fd); Nanosleep(&sfd->intervall, NULL); dropopts(opts, PH_ALL); opts = copyopts(opts0, GROUP_ALL); continue; } else #endif /* WITH_RETRY */ { break; } } while (true); /* end of complete open loop - drop out on success */ return 0; } int _xioopen_socks4_prepare(const char *targetport, struct opt *opts, char **socksport, struct socks4 *sockhead, size_t *headlen) { struct servent *se; char *userid; /* generate socks header - points to final target */ sockhead->version = 4; sockhead->action = 1; sockhead->port = parseport(targetport, IPPROTO_TCP); /* network byte order */ if (retropt_string(opts, OPT_SOCKSPORT, socksport) < 0) { if ((se = getservbyname("socks", "tcp")) != NULL) { Debug1("\"socks/tcp\" resolves to %u", ntohs(se->s_port)); if ((*socksport = Malloc(6)) == NULL) { return -1; } sprintf(*socksport, "%u", ntohs(se->s_port)); } else { Debug1("cannot resolve service \"socks/tcp\", using %s", SOCKSPORT); if ((*socksport = strdup(SOCKSPORT)) == NULL) { errno = ENOMEM; return -1; } } } if (retropt_string(opts, OPT_SOCKSUSER, &userid) < 0) { if ((userid = getenv("LOGNAME")) == NULL) { if ((userid = getenv("USER")) == NULL) { userid = "anonymous"; } } } sockhead->userid[0] = '\0'; strncat(sockhead->userid, userid, *headlen-SIZEOF_STRUCT_SOCKS4-1); *headlen = SIZEOF_STRUCT_SOCKS4+strlen(userid)+1; return STAT_OK; } /* called within retry/fork loop, before connect() */ int _xioopen_socks4_connect0(struct single *sfd, const char *hostname, /* socks target host */ int socks4a, struct socks4 *sockhead, ssize_t *headlen, /* get available space, return used length*/ int level) { int result; if (!socks4a) { union sockaddr_union sau; socklen_t saulen = sizeof(sau); if ((result = xioresolve(hostname, NULL, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, &sau, &saulen, sfd->para.socket.ip.ai_flags)) != STAT_OK) { return result; /*! STAT_RETRY? */ } memcpy(&sockhead->dest, &sau.ip4.sin_addr, 4); } #if WITH_SOCKS4A else { /*! noresolve */ sockhead->dest = htonl(0x00000001); /* three bytes zero */ } #endif /* WITH_SOCKS4A */ #if WITH_SOCKS4A if (socks4a) { /* SOCKS4A requires us to append the host name to resolve after the user name's trailing 0 byte. */ char* insert_position = (char*) sockhead + *headlen; insert_position[0] = '\0'; strncat(insert_position, hostname, BUFF_LEN-*headlen-1); ((char *)sockhead)[BUFF_LEN-1] = 0; *headlen += strlen(hostname) + 1; if (*headlen > BUFF_LEN) { *headlen = BUFF_LEN; } } #endif /* WITH_SOCKS4A */ return STAT_OK; } /* perform socks4 client dialog on existing FD. Called within fork/retry loop, after connect() */ int _xioopen_socks4_connect(struct single *sfd, struct socks4 *sockhead, size_t headlen, int level) { ssize_t bytes; int result; unsigned char buff[SIZEOF_STRUCT_SOCKS4]; struct socks4 *replyhead = (struct socks4 *)buff; char *destdomname = NULL; /* send socks header (target addr+port, +auth) */ #if WITH_MSGLEVEL <= E_INFO if (ntohl(sockhead->dest) <= 0x000000ff) { destdomname = strchr(sockhead->userid, '\0')+1; } Info11("sending socks4%s request VN=%d DC=%d DSTPORT=%d DSTIP=%d.%d.%d.%d USERID=%s%s%s", destdomname?"a":"", sockhead->version, sockhead->action, ntohs(sockhead->port), ((unsigned char *)&sockhead->dest)[0], ((unsigned char *)&sockhead->dest)[1], ((unsigned char *)&sockhead->dest)[2], ((unsigned char *)&sockhead->dest)[3], sockhead->userid, destdomname?" DESTNAME=":"", destdomname?destdomname:""); #endif /* WITH_MSGLEVEL <= E_INFO */ #if WITH_MSGLEVEL <= E_DEBUG { char *msgbuff; if ((msgbuff = Malloc(3*headlen)) != NULL) { xiohexdump((const unsigned char *)sockhead, headlen, msgbuff); Debug1("sending socks4(a) request data %s", msgbuff); } } #endif /* WITH_MSGLEVEL <= E_DEBUG */ if (writefull(sfd->fd, sockhead, headlen) < 0) { Msg4(level, "write(%d, %p, "F_Zu"): %s", sfd->fd, sockhead, headlen, strerror(errno)); if (Close(sfd->fd) < 0) { Info2("close(%d): %s", sfd->fd, strerror(errno)); } return STAT_RETRYLATER; /* retry complete open cycle */ } bytes = 0; Info("waiting for socks reply"); while (bytes >= 0) { /* loop over answer chunks until complete or error */ /* receive socks answer */ do { result = Read(sfd->fd, buff+bytes, SIZEOF_STRUCT_SOCKS4-bytes); } while (result < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (result < 0) { Msg4(level, "read(%d, %p, "F_Zu"): %s", sfd->fd, buff+bytes, SIZEOF_STRUCT_SOCKS4-bytes, strerror(errno)); if (Close(sfd->fd) < 0) { Info2("close(%d): %s", sfd->fd, strerror(errno)); } } if (result == 0) { Msg(level, "read(): EOF during read of socks reply, peer might not be a socks4 server"); if (Close(sfd->fd) < 0) { Info2("close(%d): %s", sfd->fd, strerror(errno)); } return STAT_RETRYLATER; } #if WITH_MSGLEVEL <= E_DEBUG { char msgbuff[3*SIZEOF_STRUCT_SOCKS4]; * xiohexdump((const unsigned char *)replyhead+bytes, result, msgbuff) = '\0'; Debug2("received socks4 reply data (offset "F_Zd"): %s", bytes, msgbuff); } #endif /* WITH_MSGLEVEL <= E_DEBUG */ bytes += result; if (bytes == SIZEOF_STRUCT_SOCKS4) { Debug1("received all "F_Zd" bytes", bytes); break; } Debug2("received %d bytes, waiting for "F_Zu" more bytes", result, SIZEOF_STRUCT_SOCKS4-bytes); } if (result <= 0) { /* we had a problem while reading socks answer */ return STAT_RETRYLATER; /* retry complete open cycle */ } Info7("received socks reply VN=%u CD=%u DSTPORT=%u DSTIP=%u.%u.%u.%u", replyhead->version, replyhead->action, ntohs(replyhead->port), ((uint8_t *)&replyhead->dest)[0], ((uint8_t *)&replyhead->dest)[1], ((uint8_t *)&replyhead->dest)[2], ((uint8_t *)&replyhead->dest)[3]); if (replyhead->version != 0) { Warn1("socks: reply code version is not 0 (%d)", replyhead->version); } switch (replyhead->action) { case SOCKS_CD_GRANTED: /* Notice("socks: connect request succeeded"); */ #if 0 if (Getsockname(sfd->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&us, &uslen) < 0) { Warn4("getsockname(%d, %p, {%d}): %s", sfd->fd, &us, uslen, strerror(errno)); } Notice1("successfully connected from %s via socks4", sockaddr_info((struct sockaddr *)&us, infobuff, sizeof(infobuff))); #else Notice("successfully connected via socks4"); #endif break; case SOCKS_CD_FAILED: Msg(level, "socks: connect request rejected or failed"); return STAT_RETRYLATER; case SOCKS_CD_NOIDENT: Msg(level, "socks: ident refused by client"); return STAT_RETRYLATER; case SOCKS_CD_IDENTFAILED: Msg(level, "socks: ident failed"); return STAT_RETRYLATER; default: Msg1(level, "socks: undefined status %u", replyhead->action); } return STAT_OK; } #endif /* WITH_SOCKS4 || WITH_SOCKS4A */