/* source: xio-socks5.c */ /* Copyright Gerhard Rieger and contributors (see file CHANGES) */ /* Published under the GNU General Public License V.2, see file COPYING */ /* This file contains the source for opening addresses of socks5 type */ /* * At the moment UDP ASSOCIATE is not supported, but CONNECT and BIND are. * At the moment no authentication methods are supported (i.e only NO AUTH), * which is technically not compliant with RFC1928. */ #include "xiosysincludes.h" #if WITH_SOCKS5 #include "xioopen.h" #include "xio-ascii.h" #include "xio-socket.h" #include "xio-ip.h" #include "xio-ipapp.h" #include "xio-socks5.h" #define SOCKS5_VERSION 5 #define SOCKS5_MAX_REPLY_SIZE (6 + 256) #define SOCKS5_AUTH_NONE 0 #define SOCKS5_AUTH_FAIL 0xff #define SOCKS5_COMMAND_CONNECT 1 #define SOCKS5_COMMAND_BIND 2 #define SOCKS5_COMMAND_UDP_ASSOCIATE 3 #define SOCKS5_ATYPE_IPv4 1 #define SOCKS5_ATYPE_DOMAINNAME 3 #define SOCKS5_ATYPE_IPv6 4 #define SOCKS5_STATUS_SUCCESS 0 #define SOCKS5_STATUS_GENERAL_FAILURE 1 #define SOCKS5_STATUS_CONNECTION_NOT_ALLOWED 2 #define SOCKS5_STATUS_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE 3 #define SOCKS5_STATUS_HOST_UNREACHABLE 4 #define SOCKS5_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED 5 #define SOCKS5_STATUS_TTL_EXPIRED 6 #define SOCKS5_STATUS_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED 7 #define SOCKS5_STATUS_ADDRESS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED 8 static int xioopen_socks5(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xxfd, const struct addrdesc *addrdesc); const struct addrdesc xioaddr_socks5_connect = { "SOCKS5-CONNECT", 1+XIO_RDWR, xioopen_socks5, GROUP_FD|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_IP4|GROUP_SOCK_IP6|GROUP_IP_TCP|GROUP_CHILD|GROUP_RETRY, SOCKS5_COMMAND_CONNECT, 0, 0 HELP(":<socks-server>:<socks-port>:<target-host>:<target-port>") }; const struct addrdesc xioaddr_socks5_listen = { "SOCKS5-LISTEN", 1+XIO_RDWR, xioopen_socks5, GROUP_FD|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_IP4|GROUP_SOCK_IP6|GROUP_IP_TCP|GROUP_CHILD|GROUP_RETRY, SOCKS5_COMMAND_BIND, 0, 0 HELP(":<socks-server>:<socks-port>:<listen-host>:<listen-port>") }; static const char * _xioopen_socks5_strerror(uint8_t r) { switch(r) { case SOCKS5_STATUS_SUCCESS: return "succeeded"; case SOCKS5_STATUS_GENERAL_FAILURE: return "general SOCKS server failure"; case SOCKS5_STATUS_CONNECTION_NOT_ALLOWED: return "connection not allowed by ruleset"; case SOCKS5_STATUS_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE: return "network unreachable"; case SOCKS5_STATUS_HOST_UNREACHABLE: return "host unreachable"; case SOCKS5_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED: return "connection refused"; case SOCKS5_STATUS_TTL_EXPIRED: return "TTL expired"; case SOCKS5_STATUS_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED: return "command not supported"; case SOCKS5_STATUS_ADDRESS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED: return "address type not supported"; default: return "unknown error"; } } /* * Performs the SOCKS5 handshake, i.e sends client hello and receives server * hello back. * If successful the connection is now ready for sending a SOCKS5 request. * * The code is unnecessarily complex right now, for what is essentially * send(0x050100) followed by "return read() == 0x0500", but will be easier to * extend for other auth mode support. */ static int _xioopen_socks5_handshake(struct single *sfd, int level) { int result; ssize_t bytes; struct socks5_server_hello server_hello; int nmethods = 1; /* support only 1 auth method - no auth */ int client_hello_size = sizeof(struct socks5_client_hello) + (sizeof(uint8_t) * nmethods); struct socks5_client_hello *client_hello = Malloc(client_hello_size); if (client_hello == NULL) { Msg2(level, "malloc(%d): %s", client_hello_size, strerror(errno)); if (Close(sfd->fd) < 0) { Info2("close(%d): %s", sfd->fd, strerror(errno)); } /* malloc failed - could succeed later, so retry then */ return STAT_RETRYLATER; } unsigned char *server_hello_ptr = (unsigned char *)&server_hello; /* SOCKS5 Hello with 1 authentication mechanism - 0x00 NO AUTHENTICATION */ client_hello->version = SOCKS5_VERSION; client_hello->nmethods = 1; client_hello->methods[0]= SOCKS5_AUTH_NONE; /* Send SOCKS5 Client Hello */ Info2("sending socks5 client hello version=%d nmethods=%d", client_hello->version, client_hello->nmethods); #if WITH_MSGLEVEL <= E_DEBUG { char *msgbuf; if ((msgbuf = Malloc(3 * client_hello_size)) != NULL) { xiohexdump((unsigned char *)client_hello, client_hello_size, msgbuf); Debug1("sending socks5 client hello %s", msgbuf); free(msgbuf); } } #endif if (writefull(sfd->fd, client_hello, client_hello_size) < 0) { Msg4(level, "write(%d, %p, %d): %s", sfd->fd, client_hello, client_hello_size, strerror(errno)); if (Close(sfd->fd) < 0) { Info2("close(%d): %s", sfd->fd, strerror(errno)); } free(client_hello); /* writefull() failed, but might succeed later, so RETRYLATER */ return STAT_RETRYLATER; } free(client_hello); bytes = 0; Info("waiting for socks5 reply"); while (bytes >= 0) { do { result = Read(sfd->fd, server_hello_ptr + bytes, sizeof(struct socks5_server_hello)-bytes); } while (result < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (result < 0) { Msg4(level, "read(%d, %p, "F_Zu"): %s", sfd->fd, server_hello_ptr + bytes, sizeof(struct socks5_server_hello)-bytes, strerror(errno)); if (Close(sfd->fd) < 0) { Info2("close(%d): %s", sfd->fd, strerror(errno)); } } if (result == 0) { Msg(level, "read(): EOF during read of SOCKS5 server hello, peer might not be a SOCKS5 server"); if (Close(sfd->fd) < 0) { Info2("close(%d): %s", sfd->fd, strerror(errno)); } return STAT_RETRYLATER; } bytes += result; if (bytes == sizeof(struct socks5_server_hello)) { Debug1("received all "F_Zd" bytes", bytes); break; } Debug2("received %d bytes, waiting for "F_Zu" more bytes", result, sizeof(struct socks5_server_hello)-bytes); } if (result <= 0) { return STAT_RETRYLATER; } Info2("received SOCKS5 server hello version=%d method=%d", server_hello.version, server_hello.method); if (server_hello.version != SOCKS5_VERSION) { Msg2(level, "SOCKS5 Server Hello version was %d, not the expected %d, peer might not be a SOCKS5 server", server_hello.version, SOCKS5_VERSION); if (Close(sfd->fd) < 0) { Info2("close(%d): %s", sfd->fd, strerror(errno)); } return STAT_RETRYLATER; } if (server_hello.method == SOCKS5_AUTH_FAIL) { Msg(level, "SOCKS5 authentication negotiation failed - client & server have no common supported methods"); if (Close(sfd->fd) < 0) { Info2("close(%d): %s", sfd->fd, strerror(errno)); } return STAT_RETRYLATER; } if (server_hello.method != SOCKS5_AUTH_NONE) { Msg1(level, "SOCKS5 server requested unsupported auth method (%d)", server_hello.method); if (Close(sfd->fd) < 0) { Info2("close(%d): %s", sfd->fd, strerror(errno)); } return STAT_RETRYLATER; } /* Server accepted using no auth */ return STAT_OK; } /* * Generates the SOCKS5 request for a given command, host and port */ static struct socks5_request *_xioopen_socks5_prepare_request( int *bytes, const char *target_name, const char *target_port, uint8_t socks_command, int level) { struct socks5_request *req; char ipaddr[16]; uint16_t *dstport; *bytes = 0; if (inet_pton(AF_INET, target_name, ipaddr)){ /* if(valid_ipv4) */ *bytes = sizeof(struct socks5_request) + 4 + sizeof(uint16_t); req = (struct socks5_request *)Malloc(*bytes); if (req == NULL){ Info2("Malloc(%d): %s", *bytes, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } req->address_type = SOCKS5_ATYPE_IPv4; memcpy(req->dstdata, ipaddr, 4); dstport = (uint16_t *) &req->dstdata[4]; *dstport = parseport(target_port, IPPROTO_TCP); } else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, target_name, ipaddr)) { /* else if(valid_ipv6) */ *bytes = sizeof(struct socks5_request) + 16 + sizeof(uint16_t); req = (struct socks5_request *)Malloc(*bytes); if (req == NULL){ Info2("Malloc(%d): %s", *bytes, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } req->address_type = SOCKS5_ATYPE_IPv6; memcpy(req->dstdata, ipaddr, 16); dstport = (uint16_t *) &req->dstdata[16]; *dstport = parseport(target_port, IPPROTO_TCP); } else { /* invalid IP, assume hostname */ int hlen = strlen(target_name); if (hlen > 255) { Msg(level, "target hostname too long (>255 bytes), aborting"); return NULL; } *bytes = sizeof(struct socks5_request) + 1 + hlen + sizeof(uint16_t); req = (struct socks5_request *)Malloc(*bytes); if (req == NULL ){ Info2("malloc(%d): %s", *bytes, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } req->address_type = SOCKS5_ATYPE_DOMAINNAME; req->dstdata[0] = (unsigned char) hlen; memcpy(&req->dstdata[1], target_name, hlen); dstport = (uint16_t *) &req->dstdata[hlen + 1]; *dstport = parseport(target_port, IPPROTO_TCP); } if (*dstport == 0){ free(req); return NULL; } req->version = SOCKS5_VERSION; req->command = socks_command; req->reserved = 0; return req; } /* * Reads a server reply after a request has been sent */ static int _xioopen_socks5_read_reply( struct single *sfd, struct socks5_reply *reply, int level) { int result = 0; int bytes_read = 0; int bytes_to_read = 5; bool typechecked = false; while (bytes_to_read >= 0) { Info("reading SOCKS5 reply"); do { result = Read(sfd->fd, ((unsigned char *)reply) + bytes_read, bytes_to_read-bytes_read); } while (result < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (result < 0) { Msg4(level, "read(%d, %p, %d): %s", sfd->fd, ((unsigned char *)reply) + bytes_read, bytes_to_read-bytes_read, strerror(errno)); if (Close(sfd->fd) < 0) { Info2("close(%d): %s", sfd->fd, strerror(errno)); } return STAT_RETRYLATER; } if (result == 0) { Msg(level, "read(): EOF during read of SOCKS5 reply"); if (Close(sfd->fd) < 0) { Info2("close(%d): %s", sfd->fd, strerror(errno)); } return STAT_RETRYLATER; } bytes_read += result; /* Once we've read 5 bytes, figure out total message length and * update bytes_to_read accordingly. */ if (!typechecked && bytes_read <= 5) { switch(reply->address_type) { case SOCKS5_ATYPE_IPv4: /* 6 fixed bytes, and 4 bytes for v4 address */ bytes_to_read = 10; break; case SOCKS5_ATYPE_IPv6: /* 6 fixed bytes, and 16 bytes for v6 address */ bytes_to_read = 22; break; case SOCKS5_ATYPE_DOMAINNAME: /* 6 fixed bytes, 1 byte for strlen, and 0-255 bytes for domain name */ bytes_to_read = 7 + reply->dstdata[0]; break; default: Msg1(level, "invalid SOCKS5 reply address type (%d)", reply->address_type); if (Close(sfd->fd) < 0) { Info2("close(%d): %s", sfd->fd, strerror(errno)); } return STAT_RETRYLATER; } typechecked = true; continue; } if (bytes_to_read == bytes_read) { Debug1("received all %d bytes", bytes_read); break; } Debug2("received %d of %d bytes, waiting", bytes_read, bytes_to_read); } if (result <= 0) { return STAT_RETRYLATER; } return STAT_OK; } /* * Sends a request and receives the reply. * If command is BIND we receive two replies. */ static int _xioopen_socks5_request( struct single *sfd, const char *target_name, const char *target_port, uint8_t socks_command, int level) { struct socks5_request *req; int bytes, result = 0; req = _xioopen_socks5_prepare_request(&bytes, target_name, target_port, socks_command, level); if (req == NULL) { if (Close(sfd->fd) < 0) { Info2("close(%d): %s", sfd->fd, strerror(errno)); } /* Prepare_request could fail due to malloc, but most likely the destination is invalid, e.g too long hostname, so NORETRY */ return STAT_NORETRY; } Info4("sending socks5 request version=%d command=%d reserved=%d address_type=%d", req->version, req->command, req->reserved, req->address_type); #if WITH_MSGLEVEL <= E_DEBUG { char *msgbuf; if ((msgbuf = Malloc(3 * bytes)) != NULL) { xiohexdump((const unsigned char *)req, bytes, msgbuf); Debug1("sending socks5 request %s", msgbuf); free(msgbuf); } } #endif if (writefull(sfd->fd, req, bytes) < 0) { Msg4(level, "write(%d, %p, %d): %s", sfd->fd, req, bytes, strerror(errno)); if (Close(sfd->fd) < 0) { Info2("close(%d): %s", sfd->fd, strerror(errno)); } free(req); return STAT_RETRYLATER; } free(req); req = NULL; struct socks5_reply *reply = Malloc(SOCKS5_MAX_REPLY_SIZE); if (reply == NULL) { if (Close(sfd->fd) < 0) { Info2("close(%d): %s", sfd->fd, strerror(errno)); } return STAT_RETRYLATER; } result = _xioopen_socks5_read_reply(sfd, reply, level); if (result != STAT_OK) { free(reply); return result; } /* TODO: maybe output nicer debug, like including address */ Info3("received SOCKS5 reply version=%d reply=%d address_type=%d", reply->version, reply->reply, reply->address_type); if (reply->version != SOCKS5_VERSION) { Msg2(level, "SOCKS5 reply version was %d, not the expected %d, peer might not be a SOCKS5 server", reply->version, SOCKS5_VERSION); if (Close(sfd->fd) < 0) { Info2("close(%d): %s", sfd->fd, strerror(errno)); } free(reply); return STAT_RETRYLATER; } if (reply->reply == SOCKS5_STATUS_SUCCESS && socks_command == SOCKS5_COMMAND_BIND) { Notice("listening on remote host, waiting for connection"); /* TODO: nicer debug output */ /* For BIND, we read two replies */ result = _xioopen_socks5_read_reply(sfd, reply, level); if (result != STAT_OK) { free(reply); return result; } Notice("received connection on remote host"); /* TODO: maybe output nicer debug, like including address */ Info3("received second SOCKS5 reply version=%d reply=%d address_type=%d", reply->version, reply->reply, reply->address_type); } switch (reply->reply) { case SOCKS5_STATUS_SUCCESS: break; default: Msg2(level, "SOCKS5 server error %d: %s", reply->reply, _xioopen_socks5_strerror(reply->reply)); if (Close(sfd->fd) < 0) { Info2("close(%d): %s", sfd->fd, strerror(errno)); } free(reply); return STAT_RETRYLATER; } free(reply); return STAT_OK; } /* Same function for all socks5-modes, determined by argv[0] */ static int xioopen_socks5( int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *xxfd, const struct addrdesc *addrdesc) { int socks_command = addrdesc->arg1; bool dofork = false; int socktype = SOCK_STREAM; int pf = PF_UNSPEC; int ipproto = IPPROTO_TCP; int level, result; struct opt *opts0 = NULL; struct single *sfd = &xxfd->stream; const char *socks_server, *target_name, *target_port, *socks_port; union sockaddr_union us_sa, *us = &us_sa; socklen_t uslen = sizeof(us_sa); struct addrinfo *themlist, *themp; bool needbind = false; bool lowport = false; char infobuff[256]; if (!xioparms.experimental) { Error1("%s: use option --experimental to acknowledge unmature state", argv[0]); return STAT_NORETRY; } if (argc != 5) { xio_syntax(argv[0], 4, argc-1, addrdesc->syntax); return STAT_NORETRY; } socks_server = argv[1]; socks_port = argv[2]; target_name = argv[3]; target_port = argv[4]; sfd->howtoend = END_SHUTDOWN; if (applyopts_single(sfd, opts, PH_INIT) < 0) return -1; applyopts(sfd, -1, opts, PH_INIT); retropt_int(opts, OPT_SO_TYPE, &socktype); retropt_bool(opts, OPT_FORK, &dofork); result = _xioopen_ipapp_prepare(opts, &opts0, socks_server, socks_port, &pf, ipproto, sfd->para.socket.ip.ai_flags, &themlist, us, &uslen, &needbind, &lowport, socktype); Notice2("connecting to socks5 server %s:%s", socks_server, socks_port); do { #if WITH_RETRY if (sfd->forever || sfd->retry) { level = E_INFO; } else { level = E_ERROR; } #endif /* loop over themlist */ themp = themlist; while (themp != NULL) { Notice1("opening connection to %s", sockaddr_info(themp->ai_addr, themp->ai_addrlen, infobuff, sizeof(infobuff))); result = _xioopen_connect(sfd, needbind?us:NULL, sizeof(*us), themp->ai_addr, themp->ai_addrlen, opts, pf?pf:themp->ai_family, socktype, IPPROTO_TCP, lowport, level); if (result == STAT_OK) break; themp = themp->ai_next; if (themp == NULL) result = STAT_RETRYLATER; switch(result){ break; #if WITH_RETRY case STAT_RETRYLATER: case STAT_RETRYNOW: if (sfd->forever || sfd->retry-- ) { if (result == STAT_RETRYLATER) Nanosleep(&sfd->intervall, NULL); continue; } #endif default: xiofreeaddrinfo(themlist); return result; } } xiofreeaddrinfo(themlist); applyopts(sfd, -1, opts, PH_ALL); if ((result = _xio_openlate(sfd, opts)) < 0) return result; if ((result = _xioopen_socks5_handshake(sfd, level)) != STAT_OK) { return result; } result = _xioopen_socks5_request(sfd, target_name, target_port, socks_command, level); switch (result) { case STAT_OK: break; #if WITH_RETRY case STAT_RETRYLATER: case STAT_RETRYNOW: if ( sfd->forever || sfd->retry-- ) { if (result == STAT_RETRYLATER) Nanosleep(&sfd->intervall, NULL); continue; } #endif default: return result; } if (dofork) { xiosetchilddied(); } #if WITH_RETRY if (dofork) { pid_t pid; int level = E_ERROR; if (sfd->forever || sfd->retry) { level = E_WARN; } while ((pid = xio_fork(false, level, sfd->shutup)) < 0) { if (sfd->forever || --sfd->retry) { Nanosleep(&sfd->intervall, NULL); continue; } return STAT_RETRYLATER; } if ( pid == 0 ) { sfd->forever = false; sfd->retry = 0; break; } Close(sfd->fd); Nanosleep(&sfd->intervall, NULL); dropopts(opts, PH_ALL); opts = copyopts(opts0, GROUP_ALL); continue; } else #endif { break; } } while (true); return 0; } #endif /* WITH_SOCKS5 */