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/* source: xio.h */
/* Copyright Gerhard Rieger 2001-2011 */
/* Published under the GNU General Public License V.2, see file COPYING */
#ifndef __xio_h_included
#define __xio_h_included 1
#if 1 /*!*/
#include "mytypes.h"
#include "sysutils.h"
#define XIO_MAXSOCK 2
/* Linux 2.2.10 */
#define LINETERM_RAW 0
#define LINETERM_CR 1
struct addrdesc;
struct opt;
/* the flags argument of xioopen */
#define XIO_RDONLY O_RDONLY /* asserted to be 0 */
#define XIO_WRONLY O_WRONLY /* asserted to be 1 */
#define XIO_RDWR O_RDWR /* asserted to be 2 */
#define XIO_ACCMODE O_ACCMODE /* must be 3 */
#define XIO_MAYFORK 4 /* address is allowed to fork the program (fork) */
#define XIO_MAYCHILD 8 /* address is allowed to fork off a child (exec)*/
#define XIO_MAYEXEC 16 /* address is allowed to exec a prog (exec+nofork) */
#define XIO_MAYCONVERT 32 /* address is allowed to perform modifications on the
stream data, e.g. SSL, REALDINE; CRLF */
/* the status flags of xiofile_t */
/* methods for reading and writing, and for related checks */
#define XIODATA_READMASK 0xf000 /* mask for basic r/w method */
#define XIOREAD_STREAM 0x1000 /* read() (default) */
#define XIOREAD_RECV 0x2000 /* recvfrom() */
#define XIOREAD_PTY 0x4000 /* handle EIO */
#define XIOREAD_READLINE 0x5000 /* ... */
#define XIOREAD_OPENSSL 0x6000 /* SSL_read() */
#define XIODATA_WRITEMASK 0x0f00 /* mask for basic r/w method */
#define XIOWRITE_STREAM 0x0100 /* write() (default) */
#define XIOWRITE_SENDTO 0x0200 /* sendto() */
#define XIOWRITE_PIPE 0x0300 /* write() to alternate (pipe) Fd */
#define XIOWRITE_2PIPE 0x0400 /* write() to alternate (2pipe) Fd */
#define XIOWRITE_READLINE 0x0500 /* check for prompt */
#define XIOWRITE_OPENSSL 0x0600 /* SSL_write() */
/* modifiers to XIODATA_READ_RECV */
#define XIOREAD_RECV_CHECKPORT 0x0001 /* recv, check peer port */
#define XIOREAD_RECV_CHECKADDR 0x0002 /* recv, check peer address */
#define XIOREAD_RECV_CHECKRANGE 0x0004 /* recv, check if peer addr in range */
#define XIOREAD_RECV_ONESHOT 0x0008 /* give EOF after first packet */
#define XIOREAD_RECV_SKIPIP 0x0010 /* recv, skip IPv4 header */
#define XIOREAD_RECV_FROM 0x0020 /* remember peer for replying */
/* combinations */
/* these are the values allowed for the "enum xiotag tag" flag of the "struct
single" and "union bipipe" (xiofile_t) structures. */
enum xiotag {
XIO_TAG_INVALID, /* the record is not in use */
XIO_TAG_RDONLY, /* this is a single read-only stream */
XIO_TAG_WRONLY, /* this is a single write-only stream */
XIO_TAG_RDWR, /* this is a single read-write stream */
XIO_TAG_DUAL /* this is a dual stream, consisting of two single
streams */
} ;
/* global XIO options/parameters */
typedef struct {
bool strictopts;
const char *pipesep;
const char *paramsep;
const char *optionsep;
char ip4portsep;
char ip6portsep; /* do not change, might be hardcoded somewhere! */
char logopt; /* 'm' means "switch to syslog when entering daemon mode" */
const char *syslogfac; /* syslog facility (only with mixed mode) */
char default_ip; /* default prot.fam for IP based listen ('4' or '6') */
char preferred_ip; /* preferred prot.fam. for name resolution ('0' for
unspecified, '4', or '6') */
} xioopts_t;
/* pack the description of a lock file */
typedef struct {
const char *lockfile; /* name of lockfile; NULL if no locking */
bool waitlock; /* dont't exit when already locked */
struct timespec intervall; /* polling intervall */
} xiolock_t;
extern xioopts_t xioopts;
#define MAXARGV 8
/* a non-dual file descriptor */
typedef struct single {
enum xiotag tag; /* see enum xiotag */
const struct addrdesc *addr;
int flags;
/* until here, keep consistent with bipipe.common !!! */
unsigned int retry; /* retry opening this many times */
bool forever; /* retry opening forever */
struct timespec intervall; /* wait so long between retries */
#endif /* WITH_RETRY */
bool ignoreeof; /* option ignoreeof; do not pass eof condition to app*/
int eof; /* 1..exec'd child has died, but no explicit eof
2..fd0 has reached EOF (definitely; never with
ignoreeof! */
size_t wsize; /* write always this size; 0..all available */
size_t readbytes; /* read only so many bytes; 0...unlimited */
size_t actbytes; /* so many bytes still to be read (when readbytes!=0)*/
xiolock_t lock; /* parameters of lockfile */
bool havelock; /* we are happy owner of the above lock */
bool cool_write; /* downlevel EPIPE, ECONNRESET to notice */
/* until here, keep consistent with bipipe.dual ! */
int argc; /* number of fields in argv */
const char *argv[MAXARGV]; /* address keyword, required args */
struct opt *opts; /* the options of this address */
int lineterm; /* 0..dont touch; 1..CR; 2..CRNL on extern data */
int fd;
bool opt_unlink_close; /* option unlink_close */
char *unlink_close; /* name of a symlink or unix socket to be removed */
int dtype;
enum {
XIOSHUT_UNSPEC, /* standard (address dependent) behaviour */
XIOSHUT_NONE, /* do nothing on shutdown */
XIOSHUT_CLOSE, /* close the FD */
XIOSHUT_DOWN, /* shutdown() */
XIOSHUT_NULL /* send an empty packet (dgram socket) */
} howtoshut;
enum {
END_UNSPEC, /* after init, when no end-close... option */
END_NONE, /* no action */
END_CLOSE, /* close() */
END_SHUTDOWN, /* shutdown() */
END_KILL, /* has subprocess */
END_CLOSE_KILL, /* first close fd, then kill subprocess */
END_SHUTDOWN_KILL /* first shutdown fd, then kill subprocess */
} howtoend;
union sockaddr_union peersa;
socklen_t salen;
#endif /* _WITH_SOCKET */
bool ttyvalid; /* the following struct is valid */
struct termios savetty; /* save orig tty settings for later restore */
#endif /* WITH_TERMIOS */
int (*sigchild)(struct single *); /* callback after sigchild */
pid_t ppid; /* parent pid, only if we send it signals */
int escape; /* escape character; -1 for no escape */
bool actescape; /* escape character found in input data */
union {
struct {
int fdout; /* use fd for output */
} bipipe;
struct {
struct timeval connect_timeout; /* how long to hang in connect() */
union sockaddr_union la; /* local socket address */
bool null_eof; /* with dgram: empty packet means EOF */
bool dorange;
struct xiorange range; /* restrictions for peer address */
#if _WITH_IP4 || _WITH_IP6
struct {
unsigned int res_opts[2]; /* bits to be set in _res.options are
at [0], bits to be cleared are at [1] */
bool dosourceport;
uint16_t sourceport; /* host byte order */
bool lowport;
bool dolibwrap;
char *libwrapname;
char *tcpwrap_etc;
char *hosts_allow_table;
char *hosts_deny_table;
} ip;
#endif /* _WITH_IP4 || _WITH_IP6 */
} socket;
#endif /* _WITH_SOCKET */
struct {
pid_t pid; /* child PID, with EXEC: */
int fdout; /* use fd for output if two pipes */
} exec;
struct {
char *history_file;
char *prompt; /* static prompt, passed to readline() */
size_t dynbytes; /* length of buffer for dynamic prompt */
char *dynprompt; /* the dynamic prompt */
char *dynend; /* current end of dynamic prompt */
bool hasnoecho; /* following regex is set */
regex_t noecho; /* if it matches the prompt, input is silent */
} readline;
#endif /* WITH_READLINE */
struct {
struct timeval connect_timeout; /* how long to hang in connect() */
SSL *ssl;
SSL_CTX* ctx;
} openssl;
#endif /* WITH_OPENSSL */
struct {
short iff_opts[2]; /* ifr flags, using OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS */
} tun;
#endif /* WITH_TUN */
} para;
} xiosingle_t;
/* rw: 0..read, 1..write, 2..r/w */
/* when implementing a new address type take care of following topics:
. be aware that xioopen_single is used for O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, and O_RDWR data
. which options are allowed (option groups)
. implement application of all these options
. set FD_CLOEXEC on new file descriptors BEFORE the cloexec option might be
typedef union bipipe {
enum xiotag tag;
struct {
enum xiotag tag;
const struct addrdesc *addr;
int flags;
} common;
struct single stream;
struct {
enum xiotag tag;
const struct addrdesc *addr;
int flags; /* compatible to fcntl(.., F_GETFL, ..) */
unsigned retry; /* retry opening this many times */
bool forever; /* retry opening forever */
struct timespec intervall; /* wait so long between retries */
#endif /* WITH_RETRY */
bool ignoreeof;
int eof; /* fd0 has reached EOF */
size_t wsize; /* write always this size; 0..all available */
size_t readbytes; /* read only so many bytes; 0...unlimited */
size_t actbytes; /* so many bytes still to be read */
xiolock_t lock; /* parameters of lockfile */
bool havelock; /* we are happy owner of the above lock */
xiosingle_t *stream[2]; /* input stream, output stream */
} dual;
} xiofile_t;
struct addrdesc {
const char *defname; /* main (canonical) name of address */
int directions; /* 1..read, 2..write, 3..both */
int (*func)(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int rw, xiofile_t *fd, unsigned groups,
int arg1, int arg2, int arg3);
unsigned groups;
int arg1;
int arg2;
int arg3;
const char *syntax;
} ;
#define XIO_WRITABLE(s) (((s)->common.flags+1)&2)
#define XIO_READABLE(s) (((s)->common.flags+1)&1)
#define XIO_RDSTREAM(s) (((s)->tag==XIO_TAG_DUAL)?(s)->dual.stream[0]:&(s)->stream)
#define XIO_WRSTREAM(s) (((s)->tag==XIO_TAG_DUAL)?(s)->dual.stream[1]:&(s)->stream)
#define XIO_GETRDFD(s) (((s)->tag==XIO_TAG_DUAL)?(s)->dual.stream[0]->fd:(s)->stream.fd)
#define XIO_GETWRFD(s) (((s)->tag==XIO_TAG_DUAL)?(s)->dual.stream[1]->fd:(((s)->stream.dtype&XIODATA_WRITEMASK)==XIOWRITE_2PIPE)?(s)->stream.para.exec.fdout:(((s)->stream.dtype&XIODATA_WRITEMASK)==XIOWRITE_PIPE)?(s)->stream.para.bipipe.fdout:(s)->stream.fd)
#define XIO_EOF(s) (XIO_RDSTREAM(s)->eof && !XIO_RDSTREAM(s)->ignoreeof)
typedef unsigned long flags_t;
union integral {
int u_bool;
uint8_t u_byte;
gid_t u_gidt;
int u_int;
long u_long;
long long u_longlong;
double u_double;
mode_t u_modet;
short u_short;
size_t u_sizet;
char *u_string;
uid_t u_uidt;
unsigned int u_uint;
unsigned long u_ulong;
unsigned short u_ushort;
uint16_t u_2bytes;
void *u_ptr;
flags_t u_flag;
struct {
uint8_t *b_data;
size_t b_len;
} u_bin;
struct timeval u_timeval;
struct linger u_linger;
struct timespec u_timespec;
struct {
char *multiaddr;
char *param2; /* address, interface */
char ifindex[IF_NAMESIZE+1];
} u_ip_mreq;
#if WITH_IP4
struct in_addr u_ip4addr;
} ;
/* some aliases */
# define u_off u_int
# define u_off u_long
# define u_off u_longlong
# error "unexpected size of off_t, please report this as bug"
#if defined(HAVE_BASIC_OFF64_T) && HAVE_BASIC_OFF64_T
# if HAVE_BASIC_OFF64_T==5
# define u_off64 u_long
# elif HAVE_BASIC_OFF64_T==7
# define u_off64 u_longlong
# else
# error "unexpected size of off64_t, please report this as bug"
# endif
#endif /* defined(HAVE_BASIC_OFF64_T) && HAVE_BASIC_OFF64_T */
/* this handles option instances, for communication between subroutines */
struct opt {
const struct optdesc *desc;
union integral value;
union integral value2;
union integral value3;
} ;
extern const char *PIPESEP;
extern xiofile_t *sock[XIO_MAXSOCK];
extern int num_child;
/* return values of xioopensingle */
#define STAT_OK 0
#define STAT_WARNING 1
#define STAT_EXIT 2
#define STAT_NOACTION 3 /* by retropt_* when option not applied */
#define STAT_RETRYNOW -1 /* only after timeouts useful ? */
#define STAT_RETRYLATER -2 /* address cannot be opened, but user might
change something in the filesystem etc. to
make this process succeed later. */
#define STAT_NORETRY -3 /* address syntax error, not implemented etc;
not even by external changes correctable */
extern int xioinitialize(void);
extern int xioinitialize2(void);
extern pid_t xio_fork(bool subchild, int level);
extern int xio_forked_inchild(void);
extern int xiosetopt(char what, const char *arg);
extern int xioinqopt(char what, char *arg, size_t n);
extern xiofile_t *xioopen(const char *args, int flags);
extern int xioopensingle(char *addr, struct single *xfd, int xioflags);
extern int xioopenhelp(FILE *of, int level);
/* must be outside function for use by childdied handler */
extern xiofile_t *sock1, *sock2;
#define NUMUNKNOWN 4
extern pid_t diedunknown[NUMUNKNOWN]; /* child died before it is registered */
#define diedunknown1 (diedunknown[0])
#define diedunknown2 (diedunknown[1])
#define diedunknown3 (diedunknown[2])
#define diedunknown4 (diedunknown[3])
extern int xiosetsigchild(xiofile_t *xfd, int (*callback)(struct single *));
extern int xiosetchilddied(void);
extern int xio_opt_signal(pid_t pid, int signum);
extern void childdied(int signum);
extern ssize_t xioread(xiofile_t *sock1, void *buff, size_t bufsiz);
extern ssize_t xiopending(xiofile_t *sock1);
extern ssize_t xiowrite(xiofile_t *sock1, const void *buff, size_t bufsiz);
extern int xioshutdown(xiofile_t *sock, int how);
extern int xioclose(xiofile_t *sock);
extern void xioexit(void);
extern int (*xiohook_newchild)(void); /* xio calls this function from a new child process */
#endif /* !defined(__xio_h_included) */