#!/bin/bash GIT_OPENSSL="https://github.com/drwetter/openssl-pm-snapshot.git" GIT_BINUTILS_GDB="https://github.com/bminor/binutils-gdb.git" GIT_READLINE="https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/readline.git" GIT_NCURSES="https://github.com/ThomasDickey/ncurses-snapshots.git" GIT_LIBPCAP="https://github.com/the-tcpdump-group/libpcap.git" BUILD_DIRECTORY="/build" OUTPUT_DIRECTORY="/output" GCC_OPTS="-static -fPIC" GXX_OPTS="-static -static-libstdc++ -fPIC" TMP_DIR=$(mktemp -dt building_lib.XXXXXX) trap "rm -rf ${TMP_DIR}" EXIT TERM # The init function that has to # be called before running any # other function. Should be used # to configure the building env. init_lib(){ CURRENT_ARCH="$1" if [ ! -d "$BUILD_DIRECTORY" ];then mkdir -p $BUILD_DIRECTORY fi if [ ! -d "$OUTPUT_DIRECTORY" ];then mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY fi } # Set a HTTP proxy for fetching # software via HTTP and Git. set_http_proxy(){ proxy=$1 export http_proxy="$proxy" export https_proxy="$proxy" git config --global http.proxy "$proxy" } # Return a host triple for the # selected architecture. get_host_triple(){ local host if [ "$CURRENT_ARCH" == "x86" ];then host="i686-linux-musl" elif [ "$CURRENT_ARCH" == "x86_64" ];then host="x86_64-linux-musl" elif [ "$CURRENT_ARCH" == "armhf" ];then host="arm-linux-musleabihf" elif [ "$CURRENT_ARCH" == "aarch64" ];then host="aarch64-linux-musl" elif [ "$CURRENT_ARCH" == "ppc32" ];then host="powerpc-linux-musl" elif [ "$CURRENT_ARCH" == "ppc64" ];then host="powerpc64-linux-musl" fi echo $host } # Fetch and extract a resource via # HTTP or clone a Git repository. fetch(){ if [ "$#" -ne 3 ];then echo "fetch() requires a source, destination and method." echo "Example: fetch http://github.com/test.git /build/test git" exit 1 fi source=$1 shift destination=$1 shift method=$@ # TODO: check if $source is a valid URL if [ -d "$destination" ] || [ -f "$destination" ];then echo "Destination ${destination} already exists, skipping." return fi if [ "${method,,}" == "http" ];then cd /tmp || { echo "Could not cd to /tmp"; exit 1; } headers=$(mktemp headers.XXXXXX) curl -L -D "$headers" -sOJ "$source" filename=$(cat "$headers" | grep -o -E 'filename=.*$' | sed -e 's/filename=//') filename=$(trim "$filename") extract "$filename" "$destination" trap "rm -rf ${headers} /tmp/'${filename}'" EXIT TERM elif [ "${method,,}" == "git" ];then git clone "$source" "$destination" else echo "Invalid method ${method}" exit 1 fi } # Extract an archive to a # destination directory. extract(){ if [ "$#" -ne 2 ];then echo "extract() requires a source and destination." exit 1 fi source=$1 destination=$2 if [ ! -d "$destination" ];then mkdir -p "$destination" fi if [ -f "$source" ] ; then case $source in *.tar.bz2) tar xjf "$source" -C "$destination" --strip-components 1 ;; *.tar.gz) tar xzf "$source" -C "$destination" --strip-components 1 ;; *.tar.xz) tar xvfJ "$source" -C "$destination" --strip-components 1 ;; *.tar) tar xf "$source" -C "$destination" --strip-components 1 ;; *.tbz2) tar xjf "$source" -C "$destination" --strip-components 1 ;; *.tgz) tar xzf "$source" -C "$destination" --strip-components 1 ;; *) echo "'${source}' cannot be extracted via extract()" ;; esac else echo "'${source}' is not a valid file" fi } # Remove leading and # trailing whitespaces. trim(){ local var="$*" var="${var#"${var%%[![:space:]]*}"}" var="${var%"${var##*[![:space:]]}"}" echo -n "$var" } # Determine the version of # a binary after building. get_version(){ local cmd="$1" if [ -z "$cmd" ];then echo "Please provide a command to determine the version" >&2 echo "Example: /build/test --version | awk '{print \$2}'" >&2 exit 1 fi local version="-" if [ "$CURRENT_ARCH" == "armhf" ];then if which qemu-arm 1>&2 2>/dev/null;then cmd="qemu-arm ${cmd}" version+=$(eval "$cmd") else echo "qemu-arm not found, skipping ARMHF version checks." >&2 fi elif [ "$CURRENT_ARCH" == "aarch64" ];then if which qemu-aarch64 1>&2 2>/dev/null;then cmd="qemu-aarch64 ${cmd}" version+=$(eval "$cmd") else echo "qemu-aarch64 not found, skipping AARCH64 version checks." >&2 fi elif [ "$CURRENT_ARCH" == "ppc32" ];then if which qemu-ppc 1>&2 2>/dev/null;then cmd="qemu-ppc ${cmd}" version+=$(eval "$cmd") else echo "qemu-ppc not found, skipping ppc32 version checks." >&2 fi elif [ "$CURRENT_ARCH" == "ppc64" ];then if which qemu-ppc64 1>&2 2>/dev/null;then cmd="qemu-ppc64 ${cmd}" version+=$(eval "$cmd") else echo "qemu-ppc64 not found, skipping ppc64 version checks." >&2 fi else version+=$(eval "$cmd") fi if [ "$version" == "-" ];then version+="${CURRENT_ARCH}" else version+="-${CURRENT_ARCH}" fi echo "$version" } lib_create_tmp_dir(){ local tmp_dir=$(mktemp -dt -p ${TMP_DIR} tmpdir.XXXXXX) echo "$tmp_dir" } lib_check_lib_arch(){ lib=$1 if [ ! -f "$lib" ];then echo "" return fi local tmp_dir=$(lib_create_tmp_dir) cp "$lib" "$tmp_dir" bash -c "cd ${tmp_dir}; ar x $(basename ${lib})" local output=$(find "${tmp_dir}" -name "*.o" -exec file {} \;) if echo "$output" | grep -q "Intel 80386";then echo "Arch of ${lib} is x86" >&2 echo "x86" elif echo "$output" | grep -q "x86-64";then echo "Arch of ${lib} is x86_64" >&2 echo "x86_64" elif echo "$output" | grep -q "ARM aarch64";then echo "Arch of ${lib} is armhf" >&2 echo "armhf" elif echo "$output" | grep -q "ARM,";then echo "Arch of ${lib} is aarch64" >&2 echo "aarch64" else echo "Could not determine arch of library ${lib}" >&2 echo "" fi } lib_build_openssl(){ local version=$1 fetch "$GIT_OPENSSL" "${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/openssl" git cd "${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/openssl" || { echo "Cannot cd to ${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/openssl"; exit 1; } if [ -n "$version" ];then git checkout "$version" || echo "Version ${version} not found, continuing with master." fi if [ -f "${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/openssl/libssl.a" ];then lib_arch=$(lib_check_lib_arch "${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/openssl/libssl.a") if [ "$lib_arch" != "$CURRENT_ARCH" ];then echo "Rebuild for current arch" git clean -fdx || true else echo "[+] OpenSSL already available for current arch, skipping building" return fi fi local openssl_arch if [ "${CURRENT_ARCH}" == "x86" ] || [ "${CURRENT_ARCH}" == "armhf" ];then openssl_arch="linux-generic32" elif [ "${CURRENT_ARCH}" == "x86_64" ];then openssl_arch="linux-x86_64" elif [ "${CURRENT_ARCH}" == "aarch64" ];then openssl_arch="linux-generic64" elif [ "${CURRENT_ARCH}" == "ppc32" ];then openssl_arch="linux-ppc" elif [ "${CURRENT_ARCH}" == "ppc64" ];then openssl_arch="linux-ppc" fi CFLAGS="${GCC_OPTS}" \ ./Configure \ no-shared \ "$openssl_arch" make -j4 echo "[+] Finished building OpenSSL ${CURRENT_ARCH}" } lib_build_zlib(){ fetch "$GIT_BINUTILS_GDB" "${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/binutils-gdb" git cd "${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/binutils-gdb/zlib" || { echo "Cannot cd to ${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/binutils-gdb/zlib"; exit 1; } git clean -fdx CC="gcc ${GCC_OPTS}" \ CXX="g++ ${GXX_OPTS}" \ /bin/bash ./configure \ --host="$(get_host_triple)" \ --enable-static make -j4 echo "[+] Finished building zlib ${CURRENT_ARCH}" } lib_build_readline(){ fetch "$GIT_READLINE" "${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/readline" git cd "${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/readline" || { echo "Cannot cd to ${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/readline"; exit 1; } git clean -fdx CFLAGS="${GCC_OPTS}" \ CXXFLAGS="${GXX_OPTS}" \ ./configure \ --host="$(get_host_triple)" \ --disable-shared \ --enable-static make -j4 echo "[+] Finished building readline ${CURRENT_ARCH}" } lib_build_ncurses(){ fetch "$GIT_NCURSES" "${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/ncurses" git cd "${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/ncurses" || { echo "Cannot cd to ${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/ncurses"; exit 1; } git clean -fdx git checkout v6_2 CMD="CFLAGS=\"${GCC_OPTS}\" " CMD+="CXXFLAGS=\"${GXX_OPTS}\" " CMD+="./configure --host=$(get_host_triple) --disable-shared --enable-static" if [ "$CURRENT_ARCH"!="x86" -a "$CURRENT_ARCH"!="x86_64" ];then CMD+=" --with-build-cc=/x86_64-linux-musl-cross/bin/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc" fi eval "$CMD" make -j4 echo "[+] Finished building ncurses ${CURRENT_ARCH}" } lib_build_libpcap(){ fetch "$GIT_LIBPCAP" "${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/libpcap" git cd "${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/libpcap" || { echo "Cannot cd to ${BUILD_DIRECTORY}/libpcap"; exit 1; } git clean -fdx git checkout libpcap-1.9.1 CFLAGS="${GCC_OPTS}" \ CXXFLAGS="${GXX_OPTS}" \ ./configure \ --host="$(get_host_triple)" \ --with-pcap=linux \ --disable-shared \ --enable-static make -j4 echo "[+] Finished building libpcap ${CURRENT_ARCH}" }