# static-toolbox This repository includes prebuild static binaries and build-recipes for various tools like Nmap and OpenSSH. The Linux versions are compiled with the musl-cross toolchain and the openssl-pm-snapshot fork of OpenSSL in order to support a wide range of SSL/TLS features (Warning: some of them are insecure!). Compilation is done automatically with GitHub Actions. ## Current Limitations * Downloading of build artifacts in GitHub Ations currently requires a GitHub account * Blobs in build artifacts are zipped by the GitHub frontend by default, even zip files themselves! Build artifact zips may contain other zip files. ## Building Status The following table shows the building status for the current toolset. The following architectures are currently supported: * x86 * x86_64 * ARMHF * AARCH64 | Tool | Status | | ---- | ------ | |[Nmap](https://github.com/ernw/static-toolbox/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Nmap%22)|| |[OpenSSH](https://github.com/ernw/static-toolbox/actions?query=workflow%3A%22OpenSSH%22)|| |[socat](https://github.com/ernw/static-toolbox/actions?query=workflow%3A%22socat%22)|| |[GDB & gdbserver](https://github.com/ernw/static-toolbox/actions?query=workflow%3AGDB)|| |[tcpdump](https://github.com/ernw/static-toolbox/actions?query=workflow%3A%22tcpdump%22)||